
Learn how to configure your Strapi SDK. 🖥


  • Type: string
  • Default: process.env.STRAPI_URL || http://localhost:1337

URL of the Strapi server.

Environment variable STRAPI_URL can be used to override url.


  • Type: StoreConfig

Store's configuration in order to set key for the cookie name as well as localStorage key if you choose to use it thanks useLocalStorage. Finally you can give some cookieOptions to forward to the js-cookie package.

  • key
    • Type: string
    • Default: strapi_jwt
  • useLocalStorage
    • Type: boolean
    • Default: false
  • cookieOptions
    • Type: object
    • Default: { path: "/" }


import Strapi from "strapi-sdk-js";

const strapi = new Strapi({
  store: {
    key: "strapi_jwt",
    useLocalStorage: false,
    cookieOptions: { path: "/" },


  • Type: AxiosRequestConfig
  • Default: {}

Options to forward to the Axios instance